An exemplary paragraph by Frank D’Angelo

The characters [in fables] are flat, with no inner life. They personify virtues and vices, such as courage and cowardice, honesty and dishonesty, patience and impatience, humility and boastfulness, kindness and cruelty, sincerity and flattery, cunning and artlessness, and the like. The characters are generally types. They are meant to represent aspects of human nature: the proud peacock, the clever crow, the defiant donkey, the oracular owl, the plodding turtle, the cocky hare, the greedy pig.

D’Angelo, Frank J. Composition in the Classical Tradition. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2000. Print. (60).

D’Angelo’s paragraph is an excellent example of the “TEE” paragraph (see here).

You will need to write “TEE” paragraphs for the Exit Examination.

exemplary: worthy of imitation; commendable: exemplary conduct. (
Sentences using the word exemplary from YourDictionary.
Sentences using the word exemplar from YourDictionary

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